Being Your True Self

Self-awareness is the gateway to a life that is filled with inner-peace, joy, clarity of mind and purpose.
What is true self- Coaching?
True Self- coaching is a support system that constitutes of conscious intuitive coaching, self transformation- and meditation training. It is a form of guidance that has a holistic/non-dual approach and serves the purpose of providing resolution to the distorted energies that are preventing us from being in our light, clarity and power - aka our true Self. By consistent guidance (which includes training in various powerful - yet easy to apply- meditative & mindfulness practices) the layers of our conditioning that do not serve us, become transcended. This means that one has come to a point where there is hardly any (if any at all) identification with his/her psychology; the being knows itself - consciously - to be greater than the functionalities of the psychological mind. As a result, we become able to cultivate the energies and qualities that are in alignment with who we truly desire to be.

About Me
Understanding what it is that drives human behavior was my greatest passion since my early teenage years. The desire to be of service arose naturally with this passion. After my time as a student of pedagogy, and working as a counselor in the mental health care branch, I decided to change my course, and started a new journey.
The desire to be free from issues such as anxiety, panic attacks, and self-worth issues during my early adulthood, inspired me to work on them and open myself up to a holistic understanding of myself, the world, and ultimately - reality. This inner-work went hand-in-hand with exploring the questions "who am I" and "what is the purpose and meaning of life?"
Completing a Coaching academy training, having years of experience with meditation, self-inquiry, working directly with various energy-healers, transformational coaches and spiritual teachers have allowed for a great openness, and clarity through which reflections, practices and insights can be shared that support the clients in their process.
The Vision
What means "Being your true Self"?
When asked the question “When were you your true Self?”, most people would be able to recall a moment (even if maybe a very brief one from childhood) in which they had a clear, vibrant sense of “This is who I really am!”. This may have been a moment where we were in flow with doing exactly what we loved, or maybe it was a seemingly random moment in our everyday life, or perhaps it was a pop out experience during a meditation practice where we suddenly got a glimpse of a vast spaciousness, beyond our mind. Whatever the circumstances may have been, the reason that it felt like such an amazing and unforgettable experience, is because we allowed ourselves (mostly unintentionally) to go beyond our mind, and as a result a greater possibility was revealed. In that moment there was a transcendence of the habitual, conditioned stories and concepts that we have about ourselves.
Even though we all have our individual experience of being our true Self and the ways in which we would articulate this experience, it has our unique nuances and tones. Yet at the same time, we can observe a Universality to the experience of being your true Self and there are ways to point to this experience in a way that really the majority of people (if not all) would resonate with. Being your true Self means to have a conscious understanding (and/or at least somewhat consistent direct experience) that you are that which knows/observes all thoughts, sensations and feelings; instead of identifying with the thoughts and feelings. As the true Self you are able to recognize that there is a space between your sense of Self and all appearances ie perceptions, bodily sensations etc. A person who is living as his/her true Self, is someone who makes decisions and acts independently from thoughts and feelings. Such a person is able to come from a holistic mindset (a mind that is connected to the whole) and is able to create things that go far beyond the logic of the human, conditioned linear thinking mind.
Why is it important to be your True Self?
The true essential nature of who we are as an entity, is that of pure, vast, spacious, unlimited awareness. Through the examples that we see around us (which are predominantly our parents/caretakers), this awareness boxes itself into all kinds of self-imagined limitations and forgets it´s true potential. Ideas about who we are, what is good for us, what is possible and is not possible for us, become part of our psychological mind that we rarely question - let alone learn to transcend. As we come into adulthood, our default state of being becomes one in which we strongly identify with the memories, future projections, stories and concept of who we take ourselves to be. This is how the ego is formed. And due to this forgetting of our true Self, we greatly diminish our capacity for experiencing joy, inner peace, passion, creativity and our overall power for manifestation. Over time this ego-effect then expresses itself by experiencing life with a sense of dullness, repetitiveness, lack of true excitement and upliftment and a lack of purpose. The fact that you are reading this piece of text is evidence that most likely, the desire for transformation, transcendence and the embodiment of your true Self is alive in you. Now the journey to manifesting yourself as Your True Self can begin!
How to be your true Self?
The way to activate the essence of who we are, is by integrating a new skill set. In the True Self program you will be guided in a consistent, gradual, step by step process, which is honoring the pace and intensity that you desire to take. This skill set includes new ways of seeing things/opening up to new paradigms, self-inquiry practices and focussing exercises. As you integrate the new skill set, the weight of your false self energies begin to drop off and you can naturally shine from a new, authentic state of consciousness.
By being part of the True Self Coaching Program, you will be supported in a safe space. This includes receiving - and getting trained with - the tools that will allow you the following:

Opening up to, and being established in your essence

Feeling empowered to express yourself powerfully and create an exciting life

Transcend conditioned blocking energies (ie fear, insecuries & shame)

Inner transformation and healing

Experience deep inner-peace and clarity of mind

Being able to remain clear and collected in the midst of chaotic or intense circumstances

Realize and cultivate self-acceptance and self-love

Become embodied as your true Self
If you have come to the point in your life where you have had enough of the resistance that is blocking you from feeling radiant, content and confident, and you are willing to be free from the restricting energies such as unworthiness, fear, doubt and shame, then this journey into a conscious knowing of your True Self, might be the perfect support system to get you to where you want to be.
I want to tell you why this moment is the most exciting and powerful to deepen your self-realization and integrate a higher level of self-awareness!

"True happiness and contentment exists independent from any experience or appearance - and it is directly related to the recognition of the true self."
"The inner work is about decreasing the experienced -vibrational- distance between our true Self and our current perception of ourselves."
My vision for the world
I envision a world in which people are living fully from their heart; They interact with other beings from a heart- centered space and they make decisions from a clear and balanced mind. A world in which the normal, basic state of being, is that of gratitude and an inner- connectedness. A world in which the foundation of all people’s experience, is deep appreciation for life itself and for the unique and amazing way that the Creator is expressing itself through them.
I envision a society in which the collective consciousness has transcended - the illusory - beliefs of insignificance and unworthiness. A place where all people truly understand that their wholeness is inherent and that every moment, every choice, believe, act and expression matters, for it is an upload to the energetic collective field that we are all part of and it is making an impact on a soullevel that we''ll take with us after the perishing of the physical body. A world where we see the sacredness in all other living beings and therefor treat them as such. A space where people predominantly choose love over fear; and trust in abundance over trust in lack.
With my work, I intend to inspire and awaken some more of that into the world we live in today.
Want to know if my work can benefit you?
Do you desire to deepen your self-awareness and feel more connected with yourself?
Does it seem like the conditioned programming and “mind-habits” still have power over your sense of self [perhaps even after a time of attending various workshops, ceremonies, training, etc.] and maintaining a higher state of awareness feels challenging?
Do you feel like the deepening of your spiritual/conscious awareness is not expanding significantly or even stagnating?
Do you feel the desire for a more instant recognition of yourself as the creator of experiences?
Do you wish to feel truly centered and to be an embodiment of your essence?
Do you wish to realize your freedom from thoughts and feelings?
Do you find it challenging to be consistently inspired for a practice (-routine) that helps you to feel aligned with your true Self?
Do you wish to feel more inner-peace and heighten your state of clarity?
true Self Activation-Programs:
If you resonate with the above, then one of these programs might benefit you:
Single coaching sessions
Single coaching sessions are there for the moments you need support, guidance, inspiration to navigate through a specific situation, or intention and/or you do not have the bandwidth for an intense months- long process. These sessions can be used within the timeframe and frequency of your own choosing. The duration of each session is up to 90 min.
These are the package deals for the single sessions that you can choose:
3 sessions = EUR 300
6 sessions = EUR 540
11 sessions = EUR 935

1 on 1 Training Program
Living the Inpossible
-- This is an invitation to ignite your core, your essence. This can be the start or a deepening of your transformation process to live life from a state of pure being; a state in which everything is possible. --
Even though to some the previous description can evoke the idea of a manifestation training, let it be clear; this training is not about learning how to satisfy your ego desires. It is about coming into the fullness of who you are, by integrating the energies that are not in service of your true nature, so that you can effortlessly manifest the conditions that are in resonance with why you are here, and live an authentic life.
This experience will break down previously perceived barriers and constructs that seemed fixed and it will open your mind to a new, more expanded level. This will open you up to new experiences that will naturally begin to flow into your life.
The reason why so often we don't succeed in creating and/or maintaining the change we feel in our heart, is because we have not embodied the energetic state that can match the new reality. Part of this energetic re-arrangement is applying self transformation tools and the healing techniques to a degree where you find true stability and fulfilment within your natural state of being. Gradually we release our attachments to form (the objects within the world) and we live from being centered in our own essence. When we live from our essence, it is where life can flow in the most unrestricted and abundant way possible.
Therefore, in this training we will first focus on clearing out the blockages and realigning/shifting your energy state. In the final part of the program we will together create the inspiring vision that will function as your new north-star and catalyst into a new reality.
The 1 on 1 guidance offers a training ground for exploring and integrating practices and understandings that serve your intentions. By consistent support - through video calls and regular text messaging - you will have the opportunity to transform your state of being into the version of yourself that is commensurate with the reality you wish to manifest.
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Core intentions:
Turning the Impossible to the In-possible; for within our true boundless nature all is possible
Realign your energies with the In(ner)possibility your heart desires
Create your inspiring vision and live into it
Integrate practices to deconstruct the programming of the "false self"
Becoming constituted in ourselves in a way that allows us to be more in a natural flow with our true Self´s energy
What can you expect from the program:
You will be guided through a clear step- by- step- process. Everything will be explained to you and most of the hard work (figuring out the how and what) will be done for you
You will learn how to become an energetic embodiment of the new possibility that your mind deems impossible and your heart is desiring
Training to integrate practices to deconstruct the programming of the "false self"
Learn how to bring flow back into your life
A safe space will be facilitated, where you will be invited and guided into a healing process. This is the opportunity for you to face and heal the deeper underlying traumatic energies and release them from your system. It will be up to you how deep and intense you want to take it; without any external insistence, you can feel what you are ready for in the moment. This will allow you to resolve subconscious emotional blockages that do not allow you to embody your most awesome reality
You may receive homework assignments. These will help you to take the insights and realizations from the sessions into your every-day life, so that your external, circumstantial life can gradually change along with your transformation
Whatsapp availability in between sessions
Additional digital content to deepen the inquiries
Price valued at € 10.250 - Now available for € 1700
On Google Meets. As alternative; Facebook Messenger is also possible.
4 months. 1 session per week, 75 min per session.
If you feel the calling, you can sign up by sending me a message.
After signing up, you will be invited for a (free) introduction call, to see if this program is the right fit for your journey.

The online group program:
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In this journey you will:
Balance your body- mind- spirit- state and be empowered to change patterns that don´t serve you.
Be part of a community with people who are on the same path and are supporting each other.
The community space consists of:
Support availability from the group and the coach
Regular content and practices to support the integration process
Direct access to side programs/courses/training related to the further embodiment process
The start is TBA. This will be an on-going program, without a fixed duration date. This means you can hop in and of as you see fit. The program will continue for as long as it is perceived as relevant and exciting.
An active participation and a willingness to share yourself with openness and honesty.

Contact me for a FREE consultation For qualified individuals only.
Not all free consultations are guaranteed.
Tel nr. (0031) (0) 68747 2956